Episode Thirty nine - Susan (my mum) the second edition
Welcome to episode thirty nine.
In this episode we circle back to my mother, Susan, and her continued story. In her first episode we talked about her life from 0-11 years old. She ties up some lose ends about some facts from that era and then we dive into her story from 12- 20 when she met and married my father.
It was so nice to have her here in the country, so I could sit with her face to face and capture her story.
We sit and talk about her highschool years and what they looked like in the 60's and 70's and the adventures she got up to at an all girls school.
She was athletic and I thought smart, but you'll have to listen to get the full story of how smart she was in school.
She dives into her University years as well and what that looked like in Dunedin, my place of birth.
Mum is a great story teller as well it turns out, and sitting and listening to her adventures was a total treat for me.
I hope you'll come listen and learn from my mother and her sequel podcast.
Ka kite ano au i a koutou
The family.
Her sister's wedding. It's funny that her brother is blocking her sister's husband in this shot. You can also see my father beside my mother looking slightly shady.
Mum with her netball team.
Mum missing out on her calling as an olympic shot putter.
Mum and her brother in law, John.
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