Episode Thirty - My Mum Susan

 Come listen to episode thirty by clicking on the link below.

Episode Thirty - My Mum Susan

Kia Ora 

Welcome to episode thirty.

In this episode you get to meet my mother and listen to her tell her stories.

I always knew I wanted my mum to share her story on this podcast and now is a great time for me to have her on the show.

She shares her life from the ages of zero to twelve and dives into what it was like for her and her siblings back in the 50's in rural NZ.

You will have your mind blown as you listen to all the tales my mum tells of her childhood and what they got up to.

You'll have to tell me your favourite one. I have too many to choose from

My mother is intelligent and a great speaker. She comes organized and well prepared with story after epic story of bugs, eels, sheep, holes, gravel pits and more.

I'm so grateful for my mother and only wish I had captured my father's story as well. Oh well.

Get ready to listen to some of the best stuff around, my mum.

Ka kite ano au i a koutou


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