Episode 28 - Jared Turner

 Episode Twenty-eight - Jared Turner

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Kia Ora

Welcome to episode twenty-eight. This is my good friend Jared Turner. Jared became friends with Dru and I back in 2002 and have been in touch ever since. It's been amazing, as Jared's friend, to watch him live out his life dreams as he transitions from one passion to the other. 

Jared started out different from the start by living half of his childhood in Bolivia and learning to be a part of another culture. He served a mission for the LDS church in Venezuela and then came back to attend the University of Utah. He decided to follow  his father's footsteps and go to law school out in Syracuse New York and then was offered a job at Kirkland and McConkie where he learned from some of the best for the next six years there.  This is when he had the opportunity to travel to South Africa and fell in love with their culture as well. After a couple of trips there and some talk with great people, he opened up a restaurant called Zulu Grille. Zulu Grille gives a plate of food to an orphanage in South Africa with every plate sold in Utah. They can almost take care of the food budget now in this beautiful place for girls who have mostly been trafficked. Jared believes that a business should always give back as they serve and make money. Here is the website for his restaurants in Utah. If you're going to eat, it might as well be where you're making a difference right? 


Click above to take you to this beautiful restaurant.

One of his clients was the company Young Living. They liked Jared and after a while offered him a job there, which eventually he took. Between him and the owner, Gary, they started to build Young Living to what it is today. Jared loved working for this amazing company and traveled the world, with Gary, trying to help others through essential oils. They even wrote a book together! Unfortunately Gary died and it broke Jared's heart. He continued to work hard but started to neglect himself in the process. Between travel, meetings, family, the restaurant and work his body was telling him he was exhausted. So he decided to make the tough decision to leave Young Living and take a year off. He figured he could take an early retirement and maybe invest in his true passion, animals.

Jared had three beautiful children by now and wanted to spend more time with them. He also started investing in his passion of fighting for animals. He wanted to be a voice for the animals who were being extinct. So with the help of others and some hard work, he started a clothing company called Voice of the Vanishing. With every piece of clothing sold you get to choose which animal you're going to support by buying that item. Of course Jared set it up to where a major part of the money goes into saving animals lives and we become a part of that when we purchase clothes from this company. Here is the website so you can support animals as well.


Click above to go to the clothing website

On Jared's year off, however, he was offered jobs at different companies. He turned them all down because he needed to take time off for his health and connections. He'd also be proud of his new passion project for these animals that need saving. There was one company, however, who caught his attention and he started to investigate. Their name was Amare Global. Amare means love and he wondered who'd be bold enough to call themselves love? This company spoke to his heart as they look after mental wellness. They work from your gut to your brain, helping your body heal itself from the inside out so we can feel better mentally. Jared's love of the wellness of people kicked in and he joined their team and is now working for them to this day. Here is their website if this is something that speaks to you as well.


Click above to go to this mental wellness company

This isn't all though. When Russia started invading Ukraine, Jared knew he needed to link up with his buddy from his mission Josh  Adams, and go over and help where he could. They brought supplies and donated money to hand out and help the refugees where they could. A news article was written about it all.  Here's the link to that.


While there, a woman decided to start a daycare with the money they gave her, to help her fellow refugees to learn the polish language and get a job. Jared and Josh loved this idea and wanted to help her where they could so they could make it bigger and help others have a safe place for their children and a way to support these mother's with their lives moving forward. Jared asked Amare to help and now they've partnered with this beautiful woman to help kickstart this support anyway they can. Here is the link of you'd like to help these Ukraine women and this daycare center.


As you can tell Jared's story is one of a lifelong passion to help animals and people. He makes you want to do more and be more when you're around him. I love him for it. 

So come and listen to Jared's story and feel inspired to do something good for whatever your passion is. 

Ka kite ano au i a koutou


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