Episode 26 - Paula

 Episode 26 - Paula

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Kia Ora

Welcome to Episode twenty six with Paula.

Paula has an amazing story of courage, bravery, and fight. She was a single mother of four who rose up and graduated with her degree when her son graduated from high school. 

She became a trauma therapist and had her own business helping others with their trauma. Then she discovered an interesting find. A lot of the trauma she was hearing about was to do with sex trafficking. She decided to look further into it and started educating herself more into that world.

With the help of law enforcement over the country, she slowly became more and more educated in this arena and decided to tackle it here in Boise. She's been doing it for almost a decade. She knows it's her calling and uses God to help and guide her.

The lives she's saved are numerous and she tells of her stories with these women and men. She educates us on the red flags to look out for. She helps us to better educate our children in the dark world of the internet that can trap and take our children to new ugly places. She wants to be able to provide housing for all trafficked humans so they have a shot at recovering and having a normal life moving forward. She partners with many to make these things happen. 

I happen to volunteer at one of the safe houses with these women. It's changed my life.

Paula's story is a must hear. Education is key and trafficking is happening everywhere. Mostly within families. She gives us suggestions of how we can help.

The place in Boise that you can donate to or volunteer at is called COBS. Here is the link to their website: COBS

I hope you come listen and learn with me and Paula.

Until next time....

Ka kite ano au i a koutou


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