Episode 22 - A Wrights Christmas

 Episode 22 - A Wrights Christmas

Click on the link above to listen to the episode

Kia Ora and welcome to episode twenty two. 

I'm excited to introduce you to my whanau (family). It starts with my mother, Susan then me (Melissa) then moves to Llewellyn, Sarah, Gareth, Haydn Delwyn and Bevin.

They each have a unique perspective on Christmas growing up in the Wright household and share it with us in this wonderful episode. These guys were front row and center in my life and no one knows you quite like your mother and siblings know you right!

I was thinking about this season and what better way to celebrate Christmas with us coming together across the globe to talk about memories we have together. I can't be with my family physically due to Covid, but this was a neat way for us to join together to celebrate Christmas and our family.

I love each of their stories and I loved being able to see them via skype and messenger. We caught up on old times and reminisced about those good old poor days that were called our life.

The big take aways for me from talking to everyone was the food, being together, some obscure gifts, trifle, Macintosh toffees, Gareth being Santa and the big Christmas tree in the white bucket, which I happen to have a picture of. This is just to name a few. 

Welcome to a little insight to my family and our lives. I love that we were happy with so little. I love that we had each other and I love that we have fond memories of Christmas together in the happy times of our childhood.

I'm so excited for you to listen to some of my very best friends. You're gonna love this one. It'll be one of your favourites for sure.

Lets look at some pictures of memory lane shall we?

Family Picture.
My mother with Santa.
My sister and I at her nursing graduation.
Wonderful Christmas outside under the trees with all the yummy food.
Some of my brothers with our cuzzies and Uncles.
My sister and I.
The Aria Christmas that a lot of my siblings talked about. The table of gifts with me at the helm. 
Me with Haydn, Delwyn and Bevin.
The Aria Christmas. Here's my sister Sarah holding onto her gifts sitting beside Gareth. Looks like I was holding up her poster.
Here we are also in Aria, jumping into the pool together Christmas day.
Here is that famous massive Christmas tree that we were all talking about in the WHITE BUCKET!
You like our decorations? We loved that tree.
All of us except Bevin.
Gareth getting a gift from Santa.
Me performing on my clarinet for the Christmas party. My mum is holding the music and Delwyn is close to mum.
Delwyn getting his gift from Santa.
Here's Gareth and Haydn at the Christmas party dressed as superhero shepherds. A little side tangent. So those capes they're wearing were handmade by mum for Llewellyn, Sarah and I to play superheros in. I'm telling you we LOVED them and LIVED in them. Why they're wearing them at the Christmas party, I'm unsure of, but we used to run around the yard and neighbourhood in those. Those capes were my childhood. Mine was the star one (wonderwoman) the bat was Llewellyn's (batman) and the smurf one was Sarah's. My mother is amazing.
Us with our cuzzies.
All of us bar Delwyn and Bevin. Look at our faces! What a bunch of rugrats. I used to love that backyard. We had so much fun in it.
Mum, Gareth, Haydn, me, Sarah and Delwyn.
Me with Santa.
All of us except Bevin.
Gareth and Bevin with family.
Haydn and I.
Bevin. Look at that face.
Mum with me, Llewellyn and Sarah as a baby.
This last picture is of the chatter rings that Haydn and Delwyn were talking about in the episode. They were so good with them. I think my mother still has them at her house!
I hope that you enjoyed this beautiful trip down memory lane of our childhood.
I also hope that you have a wonderful Christmas season with your loved ones.

Happy holidays from this Candid Kiwi. Thanks for all your support this year.

Ka kite ano au i a koutou.


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