Episode 20 - Shanae
I'm excited to introduce you to Shanae. Shanae is engaged to my nephew and I knew I needed to have her on the Candid Kiwi. She is part Aboriginal and tells us her family story and about her people. The Aboriginal people have an old and rich culture that is unique and full. I loved listening to Shanae describe her people and their culture and the love that she has for it. I learned so much and am enriched by listening and you will be too.
Shanae has experienced racism her whole life and has tried to navigate her life being told she's different. She's come out on top, however, and wants to continue to fight for her people but educating herself more and giving back to her community and beyond.
Shanae is inspiring and you'll walk away educated and feeling determined to do your part in healing the world in your corner.
Please come and listen and learn.
Until next time.........
Ka kite ano au i a koutou
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