Episode: 19 - My schooling years.

 Episode 19 - The Schooling Years

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Kia Ora

Welcome to my Nineteenth episode.

In this episode you will be told the story of my schooling years. Starting at kindy and ending at my years at Waikato University in Hamilton New Zealand.

I moved around a little and so have been to a few schools. In NZ we call kindy what they call pre-school here in USA. I headed into primary school, which is called elementary school here in USA. I attended three different primary schools, Waikiwi, Middle and Caversham, with a variety of teachers.

I then headed off to McAndrew Intermediate where I had three teachers, two great and one not so great by default. I started to become a rebel. Here is also where we started to wear uniforms.

I then attended Southland Girls High, an all girls school, and went through some ups and downs. Then we all know I went to CCNZ and I dedicated a whole episode to that year of my life.

After those years I attended Waikato University where I trained to be a teacher. I loved my University years and had a great time.

I hope you'll come listen to my continued story about my life and connect with me on some level. As we all know, knowing someone's story is what connects us to them and educates us about a different way of life, which helps us to be less judgmental and more understanding. This is and always has been my goal. To connect us and give people a voice so we can be educated and connected across the globe.

Until next time......

Ka kite ano au i a koutou


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