Episode 14 - Brother Royce Baucke

 Episode 14 - Bro. B

Kia Ora

Welcome to my fourteenth episode on The Candid Kiwi. I'm excited to introduce you to my seventh guest ........ Brother Royce Baucke. 

Bro. Baucke, or Bro. B as we used to call him at school, has lived a full, wonderful life. He tells all on this podcast with me, on an early Brisbane morning where he currently lives. 

I got to know and love Bro. B when I went to CCNZ for my last year of high school. He was my art teacher and one of the best people I know in real life. His art room was a safe haven for many students. He's inspired almost all he's come in contact with and a lot of his students have gone on to be successful and creative people in their atmosphere's. At CCNZ we called all teachers Brother or Sister then their last name. That's why I'll always refer to Royce as Bro. B.

Yes that's me in the front in the PJ's not looking at the camera. His son Jershon that he talks about is the tall one right in the back. One of my BFF's Kat, is in the red on the left hand side.

He has put on many hats over his life and taught many different kinds of people. He shares his love of art, his wife and boys and his mokopuna or grandchildren. He's a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and so refers to his mission and ward (congregation) as well as a Relief Society President, which means the person in charge of looking after the women in that particular congregation. 

He loves all cultures and has embraced each with love, fascination, and kindness. Most of his artwork is inspired from his work with these people. It's beautiful.

Bro. B recently was diagnosed with incurable cancer. It was very important, to me, to have his story captured so we'll forever be able to listen to this incredible man's story, even when his time on this earth has been completed. 

Sometimes you're gifted to meet some incredible people who change your life for the better. Bro. B is one of those people for me. I'll forever be grateful for his love and kindness at a time in my life where I needed it the most. I'll forever be indebted to him for seeing me, encouraging me and loving me always.

So sit back and relax and get ready to listen to another great story. 

Until next time...........

Ka kite ano au i a koutou


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