Episode 12 - Melanie Day

 Episode 12 Melanie Day

Kia Ora

Welcome to my twelfth episode with Melanie Day. 

 Melanie is a 6 foot 1 inch powerhouse of a woman who showed up on the court ready to play. She played basketball for UCLA and BYU and tuned down the opportunity to play for the WNBA. She coached at UNLV and now is the assistant coach of the BYU women's team currently.

Melanie was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2013 when she was pregnant with her third child. She thought she'd beat it for a year, only to have it come back in her bones. She shares with us what that was like and the things she learned about herself and others along the way.

She decided to make a bucket list, once they told her she had only 2-5 years to live. She slowly started crossing off things on that bucket list. She decided to never say "some day" and make that day today and encourages us to do the same in our lives.

Her five years was up last Autumn and she's still here, feeling good and kicking butt. Melanie's story reminds us what it's like to be alive and to be grateful for it. 

Please give Melanie's story a listen. I know you'll feel and be better for it.

Until next time........

Ka kite ano au i a koutou


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