Episode 9 - Hospital visits

 Episode 9

Kia Ora

Welcome to Episode 9. 
In this episode I talk about all of my experiences in hospitals. Most of them are me, and some are my kids and husband.
My first visit was when I was four years old and had broken my leg. My brother also split his head open. I talk about the story around this visit.

Wasn't I cute? Here's my brother and I in happier times.
Then I talk about my hospital visits around each of my births. Don't worry men, I don't go into gory details!

Here I am pregnant with my first child.

Here I am after having him.
Pregnant with my second child.

Here I am after giving birth to her.

My son and daughter at the hospital.

Here's my husband with our daughter.

Here I'm pregnant with my second son.
Here I am after giving birth to Takeshi.

Here are all my children in the hospital after the birth of my son.

Here I am pregnant with my last child.

Here we are after the birth of our last daughter.
Here's all four of my children in the hospital with our youngest.
Here's a picture of my daughter and I after the birth.

Then I talk about when my son was in fifth grade and his appendix almost killed him. That was another week in hospital and back and forth to make sure he was healed properly.
It caught us by surprise and he was misdiagnosed. 
It's tough seeing your child sick.
It took a long time for his body to start feeling better.
He lost a lot of weight. It was scary.
See that huge circle in the middle of his body? Yeah, that was a huge problem, but it also saved him. Then it could've killed him.

Here we are in the hospital. I couldn't leave him. So I stayed there for days and only went home once to shower for an hour.

Then I talk about how I broke my collarbone mountain biking in Pocatello. I never did get to do that sweet downhill I was looking forward to. I need to go back.
Yep, that's right! It was good and broken.
This is what they did to fix it and how my collarbone looks to this day.
My husband took a video of my right after the crash. You can tell that it was a pretty bad head knock and I wasn't doing too well. You can also tell that my shoulder isn't looking good. 
You're allowed to laugh at this video, I give you permission.

Then I talk about my bunion operation. I have three more screws in my right foot. 
So this is what my foot looked like. Then they broke it and screwed it together.

I was pretty high on drugs and my husband, kindly, took video's of me waking up. I also give you permission to laugh. It's pretty sad too though.

There's three of them. Here's the first.

Here's the second one.
And here's the last one. 
I recovered fine and now we watch these videos and have a good laugh. You know me, emotional as they come mate.

I also dive into when my second son split his chin open.

It was horrible. Luckily we had a doctor at the mountain bike race we were at close by to do the repairs quickly.
The aftermath.
We grabbed dinner later on that night. No change of clothes and no shower. We got most of the blood out of his t-shirt.

Here he is with his stiches out.

And here he was weeks later. You can hardly even tell. If you looked at his face today you wouldn't even know, unless you went up close and personal and really looked. Kids heal so well right!!

The last visit I talk about is when my husband fell around 15 feet off of a ladder and got two brain bleeds. It was horrible. I didn't take any pictures of him being obnoxious in the hospital to all the staff. I guess I aren't as dedicated to history as my husband is.........

Here's the ladder he fell off.

Here's the hole in the gravel his head made when he fell.
Here he is in the hospital, about to do the most epic projectile throw up I've ever seen in real life.

Here we are the next day. Dru had no idea what had happened, or what was going on.

His brain, and the damage that was done to it.

Hospitals are good and bad. While I appreciate all the magic that happens, they're also a stressful place to be. The doctors and nurses make a huge difference and I talk about the good and bad ones. I'm grateful for the good and wish the bad ones could change their tune a little and have a heart. 

I hope you enjoy this episode.
Let me know your stories.
Until next time.......

Ka kite ano au i a koutou


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