Episode Five - Oh the places I've been

 Episode Five

Kia Ora

In this episode I give you a forty three year account of the places I’ve lived. 

I’ve lived in three different countries. New Zealand, Australia and the United States. I’ve lived in various places in those countries as well. 

I figured I’d take you on a trip down memory lane to discover these places with me and some of the things that were happening in my life while living there. 

I'm hoping that this will help you in future episodes. When I have guests on my show and say how I know them, after listening to this episode, it will make sense where they fell in my life and how I know them. It'll also help with what was going on in my life when I met them. Sometimes people come in and out of our lives at certain times. While we may not keep in the best of contact, because they were there for us at a time that may have been significant, they hold a special place in our hearts, and always will. It'll also help when I dive into future episode about myself. You'll have an understanding of what was going on in my life while that certain life event was happening. 

I feel like this will help you know me, The Candid Kiwi, a lot better and give you more perspective into my life which will help you understand who I am a little better.

Thanks for listening.

Until next time..........

Ka kite ano au i a koutou


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